Building a Strong Math Foundation

Singapore Math is a type of mathematics education that has been gaining popularity in the United States since the early 2000s for its success in helping students develop a strong understanding of mathematical concepts. The core principles of Singapore math are focused on problem-solving, visual learning, and the use of concrete objects. This approach to teaching math emphasizes the development of deep understanding by encouraging students to recognize patterns and relationships in mathematical problems. Through this process, students learn to think critically and develop a better sense of what mathematics is all about.

Five core principles of Singapore math include problem-solving, visual learning, use of concrete objects, the development of deep understanding, and critical thinking.

Problem-solving is an essential skill in mathematics and Singapore math encourages students to explore their own solutions to mathematical problems. Instead of memorizing steps for solving equations or understanding formulas, students are taught first to develop an intuition about the problems they are presented with and use this intuition to come up with their own unique methods.

Visual learning is another core principle of Singapore math. Students are encouraged to visualize mathematical concepts through bar models and diagrams that represent abstract mathematical phenomena. These models help to bridge the development of understanding from concrete to abstract material and it also makes solving complex problems more approachable.

The use of concrete objects plays a major role in Singapore math. Instead of simply teaching abstract concepts, teachers provide physical objects as examples that allow students to make tangible connections between theoretical ideas and real-world applications. This type of hands-on approach allows students to build their understanding of math intuitively and leads to discussions about different principles of mathematics.

The development of deep understanding through problem-solving is another fundamental element in Singapore’s math education. Students are challenged with sophisticated math problems and learn not only how to solve problems but also why certain methods work better than others in certain situations—an important aspect of developing math mastery.

Finally, critical thinking is regularly used as part of the Singapore math curriculum. Students not only need to be able to apply existing knowledge but also need to be able to evaluate different strategies for effectiveness and accuracy. Through critical thinking exercises, students develop the skills to analyze and justify—two skills that can be used strategically for problem-solving in all areas of life.

Singapore Math has proven to transform students into confident, analytical thinkers. This well-designed curriculum can ignite a lifelong passion for learning not just for math, but in other areas of life as well.