Teaching Math through Baking

Growing up, I baked a lot of cookies.

And my parents took it as an opportunity to teach me about math. They helped me understand early on that math is not just about numbers – it’s about shapes, sizes, and colors too!

Here’s some things that you can teach your kids:

  • conversion rates for different types of flour and sugar
  • different units of measure – cups, tablespoons, and teaspoons
  • adjust the recipe to help them learn about fractions and ratios.
  • when scooping dough to transfer to the cookie tray, they can try estimating how many cookies they can make. And also see how many cookies they can fit in the tray!
  •  use different cookie cutters to talk about shapes. For older kids, they can compute for the area of each cookie shape.
  • The list goes on!

Talking about math while baking cookies makes math concepts much more engaging.

Grab our cookie recipe with math activities that you can use to start teaching math to your kids while baking!

Happy baking!